Situated in Miami Dade County, Florida, the city of Sunset has a relatively low population. Most of the families living here have been present since the city was created. Currently, the population is around 17000 people. This city is bordered by Olympia Heights, Kendall, Westwood Lakes, Glenvar Heights, and Kendale Lakes. Sunset has more than 5000 housing units. Most of the residents of this city are white. However, some Native American, African American, Hispanic, and Asian families live in Sunset as well.
In comparison to other Florida cities, the people of Sunset are not high earners. Most of them belong to middle class or lower middle class families. That being said, Sunset has improved by leaps and bounds over the past few years. There have been great improvements that have raised this city’s value. Of course, there is still tons of room for improvement but compared to what this city was in the past, Sunset is slowly reaching the high levels of most Florida cities.
Despite its minor flaws, Sunset has a lot to offers to locals as well as visitors. It has a variety of world famous fast food chains. It also has tons of outdoor and indoor activities. The communities that reside in Sunset are major sports fans. There are local baseball, basketball, and football tournaments held in beautiful parks and grounds in different parts of the cities. These tournaments are held annually and semi annually and most residents of this city look forward to them all year round.
Accidents happen in Sunset just like any other city. They can leave major bruises and irreparable injuries to the victims. You should contact a Sunset personal injury lawyer to get proper legal representation and increase your chances of getting compensated.